
Assessment and Investigations:

  • Review medications: e.g. statins, antibiotics, alcohol history and alternative medicines (herbs)
  • Perform liver screen: – Hepatitis A/B/C serology – Hepatitis E PCR – Anti-ANA/SMA/LKM/SLA/LP/LCI – Iron studies
  • Consider imaging for metastases/portal trombosis


  • Symptoms Grade I, ALT or AST > ULN – 3x ULN, Bilirubin normal (or unchanged to baseline)
    Management escalation pathway
    • Continue ICPI
    • If bilirubin is increasing or in case of doubt: postpone 1 week:
    • Assessment:
      • if hereafter it remains stable or lowers: ICPI can be restarted
      • if hereafter it becomes grade II either for AST, ALT or bilirubin: perform serology and imagery to exclude other causes

  • Symptoms Grade II, ALT or AST 3 – 5x ULN, Bilirubin < 3x ULN
    Management escalation pathway
    • Withhold ICPI treatment until normalisation of ALT/AST to grade I
    • If rising ALT/AST when re-checked wait until normalisation unless grade III or bilirubin increases: start methylprednisolone 1mg/kg (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29427729)
    • Assessment:
        • Re-check LFTs/INR/albumin every 3 days
        • Review medications, e.g. statins, antibiotics and alcohol history
        • Perform liver screen: – Hepatitis A/B/C serology – Hepatitis E PCR – Anti-ANA/SMA/LKM/SLA/LP/LCI – Iron studie
        • Consider imaging for metastases/portal trombosis

  • Symptoms Grade III, ALT or AST 5 – 20x ULN, Bilirubin > 3x ULN
    Management escalation pathway
    • Suspend ICPI
    • If ALT/AST < 10 x ULN and normal bilirubin/INR/albumin: wait and see (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29427729)
    • If bilirubin > 3ULN or if patient was treated with anti-CTLA4/anti-PD(L)1 treatment: oral prednisolone 1 mg/kg
    • Low threshold to admit if clinical concern (hypoglycaemia, increasing bilirubin, lowering INR or albumin) treat intravenously: i.v. (methyl)prednisolone 2 mg/kg
    • Assessment:
        • Daily LFTs/INR/albumin
        • Perform US with Doppler with liver biopsy if no bleeding diathesis (should be discussed with specialised anatomopathologist)
        • If refractory after 3 days to corticoids or bleeding diathesis: consult hepatologist

  • Symptoms Grade IV,  ALT or AST > 20x ULN, Bilirubin >10x ULN
    Management escalation pathway
    • Suspend ICPI
    • If bilirubin < 3ULN: oral prednisolone 1 mg/kg
    • If bilirubin > 3ULN or one of the following hypoglycaemia, increasing bilirubin, lowering INR or albumin: admit patient treat intravenously: i.v. (methyl)prednisolone 2 mg/kg
    • Assessment:
        • Daily LFTs/INR/albumin
        • Perform US with Doppler with liver biopsy if no bleeding diasthesis (should be discussed with specialised anatomopathologist)
        • If refractory after 3 days to corticoids or bleeding diasthesis: consult hepatologist
    • Worsening despite steroids:

      – If on oral change to i.v. (methyl)prednisolone

      – If on i.v. add MMF 500-1000 mg b.d. after discussion with hepatologist

    Steroid wean & ICPI Rechallenge

    • Grade II: once Grade I, wean over 2 weeks; re-escalate if worsening; treatment may be resumed once prednisolone < 10 mg
    • Grade III/ IV: once improved to Grade II, can change to oral prednisolone and wean over 4 weeks
    • Only resume ICPI if steroids are fully tapered; ideally this is discussed at a multidisciplinary meeting

    Worsening despite steroids:

    • If on oral change to i.v. (methyl)prednisolone
      • If on i.v. add MMF 500-1000 mg b.d.
        • If worse on MMF, consider addition of tacrolimus

    • A case report has described the use of anti-thymocyte globulin in steroid + MMF-refractory fulminant hepatitis


    IR-cholangitis is a rare AE which may affect large bile ducts, small ducts or both. Elevations of g-glutamyltransferase and ALP are more prominent than transaminases. Pathological findings include portal inflammation, bile duct injury or loss, cholestasis and lobular injury. Most patients receive ursodeoxycholic acid and prednisone or budesonide, although other immunosuppressive agents, e.g. MMF, azathioprine,

    tacrolimus, tocilizumab and plasmapheresis, have also been used. With medical treatment, biliary enzymes decrease in the majority of patients but reach normal values in only a minority of cases after 6-12 weeks.
